Divorce Impacts on Your Health

There is a vast amount of research that has examined the impact of social relationships on physical and mental health. Given this, researchers have specifically studied the divorce’s impact on health, and they have identified some serious issues of which to be mindful.

Cardiac Issues

Stress has many impacts on health, and—of course—divorce itself is a common source of stress, as are products of its outcome. Therefore, divorced men and women are at risk for a number of stress-related health conditions. In a 2018 analysis, with a combined number of 2,174,437 study participants, scientists concluded that divorced men and women were 1.3 times more likely to have coronary heart disease. They also had a slightly higher risk of stroke.


According to one recent study, for those who did not have a history of depression prior to their divorce, their risk of depression had not really changed, due to a divorce. However, for those who had previously suffered from major depressive disorder, they had a higher risk: Six out of ten with a history of major depression suffer another episode following a divorce.

Chronic Health Issues

Possibly because outcomes and stressors relating to divorce are long-term, University of Chicago and Johns Hopkins researchers concluded that those who are divorced are more susceptible to chronic conditions such as diabetes and mobility issues.


Researchers have found that insomnia or other aspects of poor sleep are common for those who have divorced: Some struggle with poor sleep even months after a divorce has been finalized. Further examining the relationship between sleep and divorce and related health issues, a University of Florida team concluded that if those divorced were having sleep issues 10-weeks or more after the divorce, they had an increased risk of high blood pressure.Divorce is challenging under the best of circumstances and it can impact every aspect of your life. If you find yourself having to deal with a divorce, you may want to pay extra attention to your physical health, eating habits and exercise habits; you may also with to see your doctor and/or a mental health professional.

DISCLAIMER: This article is provided as a courtesy and is intended for the general information of the matters discussed above and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Neither the attorneys or staff representing NLG Divorce & Family Law are not responsible for errors, omissions and/or typographical errors – always seek competent legal counsel.

Pete Wright

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