Grandparents Do Not Have Rights in Florida – or Do They?
When faced with divorce or another form of family separation, grandparents are frequently left out of the equation for timesharing or visitation with the children involved – their grandchildren. What does this mean for you?
How to Create a Parenting Plan that Works
A Parenting Plan is a written agreement between both parents about how a child should be raised. The Plan has two parts…
How is Child Support Calculated?
Child support is defined as the long-term payments one parent makes to another for childcare costs. Unlike alimony, it is almost entirely based on an objective mathematical calculation. There is little wiggle room. Also, unlike alimony, the duration doesn't depend on the marriage's length. Instead, it is based on the ages of the children.
Post Divorce Adjustment to Parenting Plan
When children are involved, the divorce process can often lead to life-long commitments, such as those in the parenting plan and child support payments. When those commitments aren't met, one of two things can happen.
Paternity Case Breakdown
Any case in which the partners have never been married but have had children together is called a Paternity case.